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Artificial Limbs for Upper Extremity

Outcomes Of Spinal Orthoses


Spinal orthoses work best when applied directly against the skin or with a thin undershirt. There are specific donning (application) instructions that our Orthotist will explain to the patient. Our Orthotist will also provide a wear schedule accompanied by cleaning and care recommendations.

  • Provide spinal stability in stance, sitting, and laying down.
  • Control biomechanical alignment of the spine in locomotion.
  • Redistribute pressures on the spine
  • Resist external forces on the spine
  • Limit excessive movements in the spine

Breast Prostheses

Many women who have had surgery for breast cancer and have not had reconstruction wear a breast prosthesis. However, it may also be useful for women whose breasts are naturally different from each other in size or shape, or who have had breast reconstruction that has not given an even match.

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